Communication Skills Introduction

Book onto course

The course is designed to give an overview for any member of staff who work with patients and their families and are faced with emotional or difficult questions around end of life or illness.

The overall aim of the course is to allow people to have the confidence and skills to approach or respond to difficult conversations around loss and death, or choices when it comes to palliative and end of life care

It will contain the following:

  • Discussion around the principles of communication, including challenges and principles
  • To think and practice ways that we can overcome barriers to enhance our communication skills within our role.
Who should attend?

Primarily for anyone who uses the telephone as their primary method of communication when working with patients and their relatives.

Course details

This course is face to face and will include scenarios and role play as well as an element of information giving. The participants will be asked to think about difficult or challenging conversations that have happened in their role and these will help structure the content for the day.

Supported by the Ambitions Framework (NHS England » Ambitions for Palliative and End of Life Care: A national framework for local action 2021-2026)

Ambition One:

Each person is seen as an individual

I, and the people important to me, have opportunities to have honest, informed and timely conversations and to know that I might die soon. I am asked what matters most to me. Those who care for me know that and work with me to do what’s possible.

Course content

The course includes information giving, and a practical element of working with scenarios that the participants are happy to discuss and bring to the course.

The following aspects will be covered:

  • Theoretical aspects of communications, including the principles of communication
  • Discussion around the complexities of managing conversations
  • Practical element to enable participants to develop confidence and skills around managing challenging and distressing telephone conversations.
  • To explore and try out techniques to overcomes barriers to effective communications